Our culture of respect for the law and the deontological principles of the legal profession are always at the forefront of our professional activities.

Among our services we offer advice on the new obligations for companies in terms of good governance and sustainability, including sustainable finance, issues that have moved to the forefront of the agendas of the Boards of Directors and corporate strategies.


Our Sustainability Group's lines of advice


Ethics and integrity

We have a Code of Ethics inspired by our founding principles. It establishes the guidelines for conduct and behavior, the values and principles that our teams must adopt at all times in the performance of their activities, both in their relations with third parties -clients, business partners, other professionals and stakeholders- and with the members of the Firm itself. We also have an Anti-Corruption Policy and a Catalog of Prohibited Conduct, which are also mandatory for all of us.



We continue to advance in technology and innovation to offer the best service to our clients, while maintaining our commitment to the improvement of digital tools and automation of internal processes.

In 2022 we have developed a global project fully dedicated to the metaverse, creating a transversal team dedicated to legal advice on the metaverse integrated by professionals from all areas of the Firm - Intellectual Property and Technology, Tax, Labor, Procedural, Criminal and the Academic Council-.


Suppliers and collaborators

We have a procedure for contracting suppliers and collaborators by which they are requested, among others, information regarding their commitment to the Ten Principles of the Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.


Information Security

Through our ISO 27001 certification, we meet both the demanding security requirements of the sector and our clients' own demands, ensuring that the legal services we offer them come with maximum guarantees of security, integrity, confidentiality and privacy.


Sustainability Report

You can consult our ESG objectives, policies and actions in our Sustainability Report.