1. Data controller

The data controller for the collection and processing of your personal data is GÓMEZ ACEBO & POMBO ABOGADOS, S.L.P. (hereinafter, GA_P), with Tax Identification Number (CIF) B81089328 and with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana, 216, 28046 Madrid.

2. Purpose of processing

GA_P notifies you that personal data you voluntarily provide us with through the different means available for this purpose will be processed for the following purposes:

- To identify you and be able to contact you.
- To manage your attendance at events you have registered for.
- To know your opinion and conduct surveys.
- When we are authorized to do so, to send you information, by any means, about the services, events, seminars, conferences and other initiatives promoted by GA_P.
- When requested, to send you our newsletters and current law publications on a regular basis.

3. Entitlement

The legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent and, where applicable, the contractual relationship that binds you to GA_P.

4. Data retention

The data you provide will be retained for as long as necessary to ensure compliance with GA_P’s legal obligations.

5. Communication of and access to your data

Your data may be communicated to the different offices of GA_P - which you can view at https://ga-pprod.servidortemporal.net/en/offices/ - which may be located inside or outside the European Economic Area, as is the case of the GA_P office in New York.

In this respect, GA_P has taken all the necessary legal steps to ensure that the transfer of data to these countries is secure and in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation and has executed the appropriate standard contractual clauses for the purpose of securing the international transfer of data.

Similarly, your data may be accessed by service providers and suppliers with whom we have concluded the relevant contracts where necessary to ensure the relationship of GA_P with contacts and clients. In any event, the necessary legal and organizational measures shall be adopted to ensure security of and access to the data.

6. Rights

Under the terms of data protection legislation in force, you may revoke at any time the authorization granted for the processing and exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection and portability, as well as the right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data. To do so, you may write to GA_P, attaching a copy of the document proving your identity, by sending an e-mail to dpo@ga-p.com.

We also inform you of your right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

More information about the treatment of your personal data by the following links:

- Commercial communications

- Events