Juan Ignacio Romero Sánchez

Of counsel

Practice areas

Public Law and regulatory


Public Authorities


Juan Ignacio is a Public Law and Regulatory of counsel at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.

Prior to joining GA_P, he served as Chief State Attorney for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was admitted to the State Bar Body with the top ranked score and was awarded the Distinguished Cross Second Class of the “Order of Saint Raymond of Peñafort”. Previously, he served as State Attorney for the Ministry of Infrastructures; Chief State Attorney in Zamora, León and Valladolid; Coordinating State Attorney for the Contentious-Administrative Courts of Madrid; Coordinating State Attorney for the coordination of legal services for “Sociedad Estatal Servicios y Estudios para Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica, S.M.E., S.A.”, and of the State Entity in charge of Penitentiary Work and Employment Training. He has been a Trustee of the State Foundation for Employment Training, Member of the Higher Council of Statistics, and of the Mutual Fund for State Civil Servants. In the area of public management, he served as General Director of Coordination of the Peripheral State Administration; General Director of Coordination of Competencies with the Autonomous Communities and Local Entities, in both cases for the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration; as well as General Secretary for Territorial Coordination for the Territorial Administrations and Ministry of the Presidency.

Juan holds a Law Degree from San Pablo CEU University of Madrid and Diploma in National Defence, XXXVIII promotion by the Centre for National Defence Studies (CESEDEN).

He has participated as author in various specialised legal publications.

Membership of professional bodies and associations

Madrid Bar Association no. 132274
State Attorneys Association since 2005




  • 2024

Legal 500 2024. Public Law

‘Lawyers need to have in-depth knowledge of applicable regulations and availability. My experience with GAP has been very good. The work specifically carried out by partner Juan Romero is excellent.’
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