
José Luis is a litigation and arbitration lawyer at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.

He specialises in litigation, intellectual and industrial property and economic criminal law.

He holds a law degree and a master’s degree in IP&IT in Intellectual Property and the Information Society from ESADE. José Luis also holds a master’s degree in Biotechnology, Biomedicine and Law from the UNED, a master’s degree in Criminalistics – specialising in Judicial Expertise in Intellectual and Industrial Property – from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a master’s degree in Cybercrime from the UOC.

In addition, he has completed several courses, including arbitration and mediation under the WIPO/WIPO regulations, Criminal Law of New Technologies taught by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, specialist course in eSports by the UCM, certified course Legal Expert & Compliance in Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Tokenization by the Blockchain Intelligence Institute and advanced course in Artificial Intelligence and Law at the University of Salamanca.

José Luis has participated as an author in several legal publications. He is also a speaker at conferences on intellectual property, industrial property and new technologies.

Membership of professional bodies and associations

Barcelona Bar Association no. 35935
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)

