
Carlos is an Employment partner at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.

He has a wide experience in Employment Law in Spain and the United Kingdom. Carlos has special qualifications for legal advice on employment inspections, work accident situations and for the adequate management of health and safety, as well as in relation to the obligations of companies in terms of contributions to the Social Security. He has been a mediator in labour conflicts and an instructor in investigations of situations of workplace harassment and/or discrimination.

He holds a law degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has completed postgraduate programs at the Instituto de Empresa and at IESE, and a specialization program in Community Law at the UCM and completed the PhD from the URJC. Carlos advises national and international companies on employment relationships and employment matters, with special emphasis on company restructuring and collective dismissals, negotiations with unions and Workers’ Committees, substantial modifications, negotiation of collective bargaining agreements, employment due diligences, equality plans, staff subrogation and top executive contracts.

Carlos is an Employment and Social Security Inspector (on leave of absence) and has been Director of HR at ICO and Development Counselor at the Spanish Embassy in London and representative of Spain at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and at the IOPC Fund.

Currently, he is co-director of the FIDE Forums “Actualidad Laboral” and “ESG” and visiting professor and speaker at ESADE; IE; IESE; ICADE and CEOE. He is a founding partner and Vice President of ADIRELAB and a partner of FORELAB and ASNALA. He is also a member of the Group of Experts of the UNE standard for Social and Labour Compliance. Also, Carlos is part of the Employment Law Alliance (“ELA”).

He is the author of the CEOE Guide “How to deal with an Employment Inspection in the company” and co-author of, among others, the monographs “Company restructuring and accompanying social plans” and “Sustainable Employment Market 2022: public and business strategies”.

Membership of professional bodies and associations

Madrid Bar Association no. 108621
Group of Experts rule UNE / Compliance Socio-labour
Employment Law Alliance (ELA)



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