
Assumpta is a Public Law and Regulatory consultant at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.

She is specialised in Administrative Law, Regional and Local Law, Food and Agrifood Law, and Public Safety Law.

She holds a degree in Law and a Masters and PhD in Catalonian Law from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. She is certified in Advanced Management Courses from IESE Business School and in Managerial Functions for Public and Private Organisations from ESADE Business School.

Assumpta is a Senior Corps and Counsel for the Generalitat of Cataluña. She has served as General Director of Relations with the Justice Administration for the GC and Lead Counsel for the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. Additionally, She was the General Director of Contentious Affairs.

She has participated as author or coauthor in several specialised legal publications.

Membership of professional bodies and associations

Barcelona Bar Association no. 45627

