
Ana is a Senior Associate of the Litigation and arbitration area in Portugal.

She is a highly experienced lawyer, with 32 years of experience, with specialization in Employment Litigation, Civil, Corporation an Inheritance Litigation.

Between April of 2018 until December of 2023 Ana was leading the Employment and Social Security area. During this time, Ana wrote several articles for various specialist publications and organized with her team, in April 2023, an event about the recently approved amendments to the Portuguese Labour law, in which Ana gave the opening speech addressing the potential impact of the changes on the management of human resources.

Ana was a member of the Board of the Portuguese Bar Association in the Lisbon Region for 10 years.

She holds a Law degree from Universidade Internacional.

Membership of professional bodies and associations

Member of the Portuguese Bar Association
Member of the Board of the Portuguese Bar Association in the Lisbon region



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