Public Authorities

Gómez-Acebo & Pombo has the availability and is very quick in delivery, without sacrificing the precision. If we have an urgent matter, they can help you.

Chambers & Partners Europe

Our advice provides a specific and comprehensive response to the needs of Public Authorities.

We know how the State, regional and local authorities work, and we know all about their daily concerns and the major challenges facing this type of public bodies.

At times, issues are common to the three territorial levels; at times, specific to each jurisdiction.

On the other hand, we assist and represent different institutions and bodies of the Union, such as the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee or the European Committee of the Regions, both before the Courts of Justice of the European Union and the national courts to defend their interests.

Our advice to the Public Authorities is focused on:

  • Administrative and public sector contracts (concessions, public works, management of services, etc.)
  • Authority- and publicly-owned property
  • Public Authority’s liability and expropriation (compulsory purchase/eminent domain)
  • Regulated sectors: energy (electricity, gas, hydrocarbons), telecommunications, transport and postal services, food and agriculture, health, defence, gambling
  • Collective bargaining (bargaining, agreements, improvement clauses)
  • Terms of employment (illegal assignment, substantial modification of working conditions, working hours, unpaid leaves of absence and collective redundancies)
  • Incorporation, advice and liquidation of mixed-economy companies


See team

Key Contacts

Enrique Lucas Murillo de la Cueva

Head of Bilbao office

José Manuel Palau Navarro



  • 2020
  • 2019

The Chambers Europe 2020. Public Law – Spain

"a lot of experience and knowledge of the administration." "has experts in every sector."

Legal 500 2020. Public law – Spain

The Chambers Europe 2019. Public Law – Spain

"proactive provision of alternative solutions"

The Legal 500 2019. Public Law

The Legal 500 2019. Public Law

Administrativo y regulatorio y administracion publica «Gómez-Acebo & Pombo's public law group (…) is described as a 'very smart team of great communicators'»
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