Corporate Governance

Gómez-Acebo & Pombo has a solid team that is always ready to find a solution.

Chambers & Partners Europe

Gómez- Acebo & Pombo's Corporate Governance team is made up of partners with recognised experience, who have the additional support of our Advisory Board and specialised consultants integrated into the team.

This knowledge and experience allows us to offer advice that takes into account not only legal aspects, but also market practices, good governance recommendations and the criteria of institutional investors and proxy advisors.

In this context, our advice goes beyond the strictly corporate and securities market, integrating other areas of the firm, such as accounting, criminal and tax law, etc. This implies, along with international best practices, a global and coordinated approach to corporate governance and regulatory compliance, aimed at preventing, detecting and dealing with corporate breaches and avoiding the liability of the entity and its directors and executives.

Areas of specialization:

  • Functioning of the Board of Directors and its Internal Committees. Company secretary functions
  • Review and update of internal rules (Articles of Association, General Meeting Regulations and Board Regulations) and corporate policies.
  • Remuneration of directors. Remuneration schemes and policies
  • Preparation and development of General Meetings and management of shareholders' rights
  • Legal position (rights and obligations) of directors and senior management. Remuneration aspects and market communications
  • Relations with markets, proxy agencies, financial analysts and supervisory authorities
  • Self-assessment and external assessment processes of the Board, Committees and Directors
  • Strategic and legal advice on corporate transactions (IPOs, IPOs, IPOs, proxy fights)
  • Design and execution of ad-hoc training programmes for Directors and Executives in Corporate Governance matters
  • Preparation of Legal Reports and Opinions
See team

Key Contacts

Guillermo Guerra Martín


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