At Gómez-Acebo & Pombo we want to contribute to slowing down climate change and at the same time we try to help our clients in this same purpose.


Lines of advice of our Environmental practice area

Our Sustainability Group's lines of advice


At our main office in Madrid, a voluntary environmental management and assessment system has been in place for more than fifteen years in accordance with the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). The environmental impact and performance of this office of the Firm are set out in an Environmental Statement, which is audited annually by an independent body.

Our priority is to extend this environmental management model to all our offices in order to contribute to the global mitigation of the main environmental impacts derived from our activity, which we encompass in the following areas:


Responsible consumption

We strive to promote a conscious and efficient consumption of the main resources and materials required by our daily activity, which are primarily office paper and electricity.

In order to minimize as much as possible, the use of office paper or the environmental impact of its use, among other measures, we have opted to use recycled paper with a sustainability seal and to work on a line of digitalization of work processes.

On the other hand, in order to be more energy efficient, we have implemented a series of energy efficiency measures resulting from our energy audits. We also intend to increase the percentage of energy contracted with guaranteed origin from renewable energy sources.


Waste management

We have a waste separation system to facilitate the subsequent selective collection of organic waste, paper and documents, and packaging and plastics. We also have specific containers for toner waste and electrical and electronic waste, which are collected by an authorized waste manager for recovery.

We also raise awareness throughout the Firm of the importance of proper waste management and recycling through various periodic campaigns.


Carbon footprint

Our carbon footprint is related to aspects necessary for the development of our activity and, in particular, to business travel. However, we intend to embark on a path of decarbonization of our activities and operations that is ambitious but gradual in its implementation. To achieve this transition, the Firm is working on the design of a sustainable mobility plan for the coming years, on increasing the percentage of electricity used from renewable energy sources and on new awareness campaigns, among other measures.

We calculate our carbon footprint according to the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Inventories and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standard. By 2022, we have reduced our carbon footprint by 6.56 % compared to 2021, equivalent to 75.04 fewer tons of CO2 emitted. More information on our Carbon Footprint Report.