Our commitment to the rule of law and human rights is a faithful reflection of the principles and values that have always been considered to define the essence of our firm's culture, influenced by the legacy and example transmitted by our founders, Ignacio Gómez-Acebo and Fernando Pombo.

We are committed to integrate sustainability and ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria as pillars of our business strategy, providing differential value to our clients while contributing to sustainable growth.

To this end, in addition to creating a Sustainability Group that provides professional services in various law areas to our clients, to help them achieve and improve their compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals, we have different committees, policies and measures aimed at directing and implementing our environmental, social and corporate governance commitments internally and externally. Additionally, in 2023 we have created the Firm’s Sustainability Committee, with the main purpose of coordinating our Sustainability Policy, and implement the 29 Stategic Priorities that were approved for the 2023-2024 period.

To this purpose, we are accompanied by our foundation, the Fernando Pombo Foundation. It was created in 2010 with the mission to improve the lives of the most vulnerable throughout the rule of law, and to promote “responsible advocacy”.



Sustainability Report 2023

Sustainability Report 2022

Sustainability Report 2021

Sustainability Report 2020

Sustainability Report 2019

The rigor, experience and vision of our teams allow us to offer the solutions demanded by the current regulatory and business context in relation to ESG criteria and sustainable development.


Our Sustainability Group's lines of advice

Latest issue of our newsletter  "ESG Práctica Legal"


Some of the initiatives that promote sustainable development and corporate commitment to which we are adhered, are:

We evaluate our ESG performance through Ecovadis, the international benchmark sustainability rating platform, obtaining a “golden medal” calification.